Christina died in 1915 at age 53. The portrait with Mommy was uploaded to Ancestry by Bitsy.

Her father-in-law and mother-in-law were both born in Donegal, Ireland. Her maiden name is spelled Sheridan and Scherdon. Actually, her father Jean Chardon was born in Alsace France.
The attached obituary says Christina was paralyzed for six years before it killed her.
In 1892 – Christina Coyle of East Fifth street, has commenced divorce proceedings again against Neal Coyle. She filed a. petition for divorce about a year ago but finally reached an understanding with her husband and withdrew her suit. She now charges him with habitual drunkenness, non-support and cruelty. She was granted a temporary order restraining Neal from entering her home or business place.
She married Frank Brown in 1899.
I never knew any of this.