Nancy took a trip to Des Moines, Iowa, in the year 2000. She searched for homes where she and Fanklin had lived with their Grand Parents. The attached file contains some photos with Nancy’s hand-written notes:
She wrote “I guess Mommy and Poppy moved a lot.” Nancy didn’t indicate the house number for Beaver Avenue, but I discovered it was 1713 Beaver Avenue. This is where our father, Robert Bredimus, spent much of his youth. It looks like a very nice house! Mommy loved to entertain and was a fabulous cook. I wish we had photos of her at home in the 1930’s.

When I read the handwritten manifest of Dad’s return from France in 1931, I thought it said Bearer Ave. However, Nancy’s letter about Des Moines homes listed Beaver Ave but no street number. Since she didn’t photograph a house on Beaver Ave, I assume she didn’t know the number. Now we know she meant 1713 Beaver Ave Des Moines where Mommy and Poppy lived for many years. Once equipped with that address, I was able to uncover some more family history.
The most vivid example is this news article from 1910. The text of the clip is pasted below.
>> Delightful Family Reunion Held at Bredimus Home.
An interesting family reunion was held Sunday at the suburban home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bredimus, Twenty-fourth street and Hickman avenue. A delicious picnic dinner was served at noon in the cool shelter of a large grape arbor. The various members of the family present were: Mrs. Nicholas Bredimus, Mrs. Harriet Bredimus, Mrs. Martha Bredimus, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Lorenz, John Bredimus, Mr. Charles Weiser and son, Elmer, Arthur, Ernest and Walter Weiser of Grimes; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bredimus, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bredimus, Mr. and Mis. George Reece, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Lorenz, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lorenz. Mr. Ben. Bredimus. Mr. Victor Bredimus, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hassner, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Jones, Misses Theodora Hassner, Ruth and Emilie Reece, and Mrs. Clark Fairfield, Los Angeles, Cal.