I haven’t seen this photo in many, many years. Thank you so much for sharing it. It is the only photo I have of Leon, Opal, and Leota.
Leon’s head appears to have been added later, but many old photos give that impression. Don’t know if Leon had any children and suppose the McDonald clan has died out due to no male heirs.
Which Aunt had a daughter named Penny Nickels? That name is hard to forget.
Mom is the most attractive which was good DNA for the Bredimus siblings.
Don’t know if I ever told you that I contacted a Historian at the Iowa State Capital years ago. She could not find any mention of the name Bredimus in her records. Some day I’ll look for image files of the art in the State Capital to see if any of it was signed.
There are probably immigration records at the Ellis Island website. Do you know what year(s) of entry? I’d like to learn more about Nicholas. If one of us was Mormon, the family tree would be extensively researched. Catholic families in those days often had a family bible which recorded births and deaths. I remember Mom had a bible, but I never saw Dad with one.
I wonder if there are other gravestones in Des Moines including Nicholas.

Penny Nichols is Aunt Jean’s daughter Barbara’s daughter. Strange choice, indeed. I always thought Mom looked like a flower in that photo. I do think Leon was added in later. Leon never had children. His first wife couldn’t have children. They grieved this loss.
Nicholas was Poppy’s uncle. My 80 year old brain made me say brother. Poppy’s sister was Litzy. Robert has a granddaughter named for her. There are still family names. Robert has granddaughters Elsie, Grace. He has a grandson Robert, and one Jon Scott.
I don’t know where Mom’s Bible went. Since Dad left the Catholic Church, he never attended church again. When Nancy’s mother died he lost faith. It is wise that you are asking family questions now.
Nancy and I won’t always be around.