Maurine, daughter of Maurice, was named “Mauricea” at birth. They must have changed it soon after.

Nicholas died young at age 57 of unknown causes in 1908. He died at home at 827 Lyon Street in Des Moines (the old house is still standing, but barely). He was listed as a Wagon maker.
I can imagine a wagon outside of that home.

His Mother’s maiden name was “Kerg” or “Karg”, not Berg as indicated in the family tree. Madeline Kerg was the wife of Michel Jean Bredimus, our first paternal ancestor to come to America.
I believe they spoke German and French like many in Luxembourg.
Marie Bredimus, daughter of Michel Jean Bredimus died in 1912 of Erysipelas (a skin infection in an era before antibiotics).

I saw mention of a Bredimus Family bible. Maurice was the oldest and the bible might have passed to him. I’ve had no luck contacting Maurine’s grandchildren, the Harkins.
Poppy’s brother, Raymond, was noted as divorced at the time of his death in 1926. He was married three times before that.
1903 wife Fayet L. Spencer
1910 wife Mary Agnes Ludgate
1918 wife Catherine per draft record.
1926 Divorced
Raymond was a Press Feeder, also called a press operator, loads paper into the feeding tray of a printing press. He worked for The Regensteiner Colortype Corporation in Chicago which was a big deal in 1918. Regensteiner invented the four color lithographic press. Raymond died at age 41, but I cannot locate a death certificate. Perhaps when I join Ancestry. Poppy and Mommy called Raymond the “Black Sheep”.
Speaking of Ancestry, they indicate Harriette Jane “Red” Bredimus. Did you ever hear the name “Red” in our family? Dad was called “Bred”.